Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shameless Product Placement

Borrelli olives are the best olives in the world.

Unless they give you botulism. Then they aren't so great. I long for the days when the biggest problem with our food was rumors of needles in clear Pepsi and arsenic in our Tylenol, the days when we could trust that at least our produce was safe. Learn to grow your own food. It's fulfilling and tasty, and no horrible diseases. And in your own garden, you don't have to take any risky shortcuts by placing profit margins over the safety of your family.

One of the old philosophical questions has been answered by the modern corporation. What is the value of a human life?

Apparently, not much.

On an unrelated note, I'm reading some stuff by Lao Tzu and a book on Vietnam, so hopefully I will be able to provide some deeper insights into how an enlightened man who is in touch with the universal subtlety would never have gotten involved in a land war in Asia. More on that later.