Friday, February 16, 2007

Erratic behavior

My internet connection has been sketchy. I have had a hard time getting and staying connected. So, if I am not around, I am probably not able to get online.

On other topics:

I am not sure why I even bother with this blog. Who cares? Who listens? I am not sure anymore. People seem to get more and more stupid as time goes on. I am surrounded by kids who have no idea why we went to Iraq or anything about the lies that led us to the war. They were only in junior high when we invaded and they think that we should 'stay the course' because their parents are conservative republicans who obviously teach them that phrase along side the alphabet. When asked why we went to Iraq, they cannot answer. They have no clue about what is going on. You may think I am over exaggerating, but these kids don't know anything at all.

When asked in a political science class when Bush made the axis of evil speech, one student said 2004. The same student, when asked, said that the Iraq war started in 2001. How's that for critical thinking? The poor kid somehow thinks the Iraq war began three years before the 'axis of evil' speech. Another student, when asked to label a map of the Middle East, put North Korea next to Iraq. These are college students!

There really is no point to this post and that is why there is no clear definition to it. If you find that I am just all over the place, I am. I don't care. It is 3:00 a.m. and I got a glass of wine, and I could care less.

A final word on stupidity:

Paid for by your tax dollars, a word from a soon to be military officer:

"I hope Stephen Colbert runs for President. We need a good South Carolina republican running for president."

That was a serious comment. I wish it were a joke, but it is not. Maybe more frightening, however, is that he is a political science major. I am sure he has a future job at the AEI.

I guess the better part of the above story was the look on his face when he was corrected. I am told that he looked like he was about to cry. I think about this guy and how he must have worshiped this fake character on TV and I laugh my ass off. It is so sad, but so fucking hilarious at the same time. What a dumbass.

I guess I should wrap this up. I am on my third glass of wine since I started this post. If I keep writing, I will end up at four glasses and an inability to write correctly. So, goodbye for now.