I Hate the Primaries and Election Season
Why have I been absent for a while? Maybe because what I have to say isn't interesting or "relevant" at the moment. I am not picking apart candidates or endorsing a candidate either. All I have to write about is now considered old news and looking in the past when I should be looking forward. To what? More of the same? Why isn't anyone talking about the war anymore? Why wasn't there more outrage at the government's admittance that our country engages in torture? Why is our government still spying on us? Why hasn't Bush been impeached yet? Why isn't anyone talking about the coming kangaroo trial in Guantanamo where evidence gained through torture will be admissible? That got a blurb on some sites, sandwiched between the latest stories on Obama and Clinton.
I don't care about who is the shrillest, coolest, most charismatic, most so-called experienced, etc. What are their foreign policies and how do they differ from the current clusterfuck? I also don't care to partake in the debate about which supporters of what camp are more rude, mean, cult-like, etc. Who the fuck cares, really. Why can't anyone talk about important things?