Monday, January 29, 2007

Cabbage Walk Update


In the last post, I left out some details. During the walk on Friday, I proudly wore the t-shirt seen above. I guess it was my own personal protest and maybe me making up for the fact that I was unable to be at the march in Washington this past weekend. It felt good to walk to the Capitol building here in SC, where the mostly republican legislature works and where the confederate flag still flies, wearing this t-shirt. I sneered at that flag as I passed it. Just another reminder of what is so fundamentally wrong with this place I temporarily call home.

I believe that this is a good representation of what the repugs are doing to our country. Sucking the life right out of her, along with the budget and more importantly the Constitution. The best comment I heard that night was from some guy on a bench that said,"I can’t take it anymore. This state’s gone loony!” Of course, in comparison to continuously voting against your own interests, walking a cabbage is not so loony to me. What is loony is what Bush has done to this country. What is loony is supporting an aggressive, unjust war with no end in sight. What is loony is still supporting a man who has, by all accounts, lost his mind. So, no, walking a cabbage is not so loony, in comparison.