Thursday, January 4, 2007


I haven't really commented on the insane anti-Muslim rhetoric of Goode, Prager, and Beck because just typing their names makes me a bit nauseous. However, I ran across some news that makes me smile. It seems that Ellison (D, rep. elect) has decided to swear in with Thomas Jefferson's copy of the Quran. So, I hope this will shut the loud mouth pundits up finally. The fact that an American citizen has been the focus of such vitriol and hate just because he has a different religion than others is an embarrassment to our nation. (h/t C&L)

You can listen here at NPR:

Newly elected Rep. Keith Ellison announced last month that he planned to take the oath of office with his hand on the Quran. The decision by the Minnesota Democrat, the first Muslim elected to Congress, drew criticism.

But now Ellison says he plans to use a copy of the Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson. Michele Norris talks with Mark Dimunation, chief of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress, who helped Ellison locate Jefferson's Quran.