Combat Sailors?
A new trend is emerging that is especially scary to me. The Army and Marine Corps is stretched so thin that the military is turning to the Navy to supply warm bodies to the never ending war in Iraq. In the past, the Navy had a program called blue to green where sailors could volunteer to serve in Iraq. Recently, this has changed. With Bush's surge at full tilt, the Navy has begun forcing sailors to pack up and ship out to Iraq for a role that they have not been trained to do. I first found this out when someone my husband knows at his current command had his orders changed at the last minute and he was reassigned to Iraq. Everyone at the command was puzzled. When asked if he had volunteered for the duty, he confirmed that he had not. It came as a surprise to him. (His actual words were along the lines of, "Hell no I didn't sign up for this shit.")
So, I took it upon myself to look this up and see how common it is.
This is what I have found so far:
Air Force, Navy seeing growing duty in Iraq