Saturday, September 22, 2007

Random Idiotic Comment from the Internet

Every once in a while, you run across something so dumb and disturbing while going through internet forums, you have to scratch your head. Here is an example of that idiocy. From a college paper forum that's not really worth linking to, in response to the MoveOn ad:

"Your exercise of free speech seems to have proven yourselves foolish pawns of our enemies."

You have to fear for the nation if this is a common thought on college campuses. And all this time I thought that it was the Terrorists™ that hated us for our freedoms.

I think I may make this recurrent post. Every Friday I will try to find a comment that is so dumbfounding that you have to wonder if you have been kidnapped and transported to an alternate universe.

However, speaking of college campuses, this seems to be the only 'protest' going on in my neighborhood:
Protest causes campus chaos