Friday, September 21, 2007

Political Insanity

The MoveOn scandal. Where do I begin?

This has been one of the most ridiculous weeks in the Senate since probably 2002-2003. The democrats continue to give the republicans anything they wish. Not willing to take a stand on anything of importance, they prove over and over that they are no different, for the most part, than the republican authoritarians. After allowing the republicans to obstruct the Webb bill (mostly crap anyway*) and the Habeas Corpus Restoration bill (actually pretty important) without putting up a fight, they go on to pass a bill condemning for a political ad. It was a slap in the face.

*Whereas the Webb bill may seem to some as an important bill for our troops, and it is at least part of the 'slow bleed' school of thought on ending the war, I say it is mostly crap because the best way to end the war and 'take care of the troops' would be to stop funding it. This bill doesn't do that. It plays into the 'who supports the troops more' diversionary tactic of the right. And it has nothing to do with ending this illegal war.*

The 'obstruct freedom of political speech' bill, also known as the Cornyn Amdt. No. 2934, condemns for criticizing General Patraeus. Not only is this a rediculous waste of time on the Senate's part, but it is an attack on free speech. What business is it of the Senate's to condemn an organization's opinions?

Half the democrats voted for this attack on free speech. Maybe some blind dem supporters will finally see that a large contingency of democrats are no different than their republican counterparts. We are fucked as a nation if this is what our government has come to.

The leading dems are not going to stop the war! It is all politics. They could care less about what the people want, or that the war is illegal and immoral. They just want POWER. Kucinich is about the only democrat I could vote for without holding down vomit, yet he is relegated to the fringes. Only about 30% of democratic voters even know who he is. The people in power like it that way. We will vote for the people that they have pre-approved.