Pathetic Pussies
There are some dirty things people do all the time and, most of the time, they at least have the balls to do it to your face. But, then there are those that are so pathetic and mentally castrated that they will lower themselves well below the lowest common denominator. One of those people is Megabrad.
This mental midget has been a permanent fixture on a friend's site for quite awhile. I try to ignore him and I haven't even addressed him in about a year. He has never been to my site and commented, so when I found this:
I was quite surprised.
At first I was just baffled as to why anyone would pick on my tiny site like this. I have not stepped on anyone's toes, I had no foes that I knew of, I do not troll right wing hate sites. So, I thought, why me?
That is until I used the great technology of the internets and Googled "Iamretarded". Fortunately for me, a certain imbecile had went around bragging about owning the site:
So, why is this asshole picking on me? Why does he do these things behind my back? Does he just lack the balls to confront someone face to face? Is he that much of a little pussy?
It was also very classy of him to send an anonymous troll to leave this message on my blog:This is how I found out about the whole Iamretarded website. I thought the comment was weird, so I checked haloscan and got the IP. Then I compared that IP to my statcounter, and lo and behold, the author came from So, was this comment a plant from Megapussy to try to discredit my blog from the whole three people who read it? Would he be that pathetic? I believe he would.
Update: I have verified that the above comment is indeed from a rightwing troll. How nice. No doubt a friend of Megadumbass. It is a shame that his friend was too stupid to read my profile and see that I am married to one of those "idiots". I see now who really hates the military.
Update 2: I have been removed from the site and replaced by Fade.